Pariah Dog is a documentary feature shot and directed by Jesse Alk. The entire film is shot on the streets of Calcutta India. Jessie and I spoke about working together on color for the film and he was glad I was on board with his FCPX workflow.

The film follows four people who care for the strays. Many times putting the dogs needs ahead of themselves. It is a very touching film with excellent camera work by Jesse.

All the color work has been done in Resolve 15 Studio. Really like the direction we took with this project. Sending it off the all the big festivals and really hope it gets into one or two. A wonderful film that needs to be seen!

Check current streaming status at the web site Pariah Dog Movie.

Color correction for documentary film is always a challenge.  However the rewards can look really great.  All color correction done with DaVinci Resolve and the video archival remastering done here at Massive Clouds