It was really fun working on Mika rottenberg’s latest project “remote’. taking place in the not too distant future. remote explores human connection in a world perhaps not as grounded as it appears.
written by mayhad tousi
The film was shot on arri alexa in uhd. i really like how the LOG-C footage behaves in davinci resolve. being able to have a bigger sandbox than standard rec 709 is a welcomed workflow.
Mika Rottenberg’s REMOTE – Color Correction and Finishing
This project is a bit different as it will play in museums around the world including the New York Film Festival, MOCA LA and Tate Modern.
REMOTE portrays a strangely credible futuristic world. The film follows Unoaku, an expat architect living and working in Kuala Lumpur. She and four other women follow a popular South Korean dog-groomer online.
Each live on their own in apartments around the world. Yet the five women discover they are connected through mysterious portals in their homes. Embarking on a quest for answers, they use the portals to bridge the distance between them. Together they uncover a strange phenomenon with universal consequences.
Filmed in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic, REMOTE features a cast of multinational actors and performers including Okwui Okpokwasili and Joony Kim. The film explores a future populated by isolated and yet connected individuals.
It was great to work on Mika Rottenberg’s Remote. She was nice enough to let me take her picture for my Toothpick Portrait series. The on-line and color correction for narrative film was done here at Massive Clouds. using DaVinci Resolve Studio.

Mika Rottenberg and Chad Smith putting the finishing touches on REMOTE.

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