Since we are past the point of peak oil, we may as well “live it up at the bar”. This according to Dirty Fred, a main protanonist in Eddie Mullins marvelous debut feature film.
Bruho is down for the adventure. Jaiden comes on later but is eager to get up to speed and find out. What is it you guys do?
Is written and directed by Eddie Mullins. We first worked together on the film back in 2012. We edited the film together. Then went on the record the sound track at my place as well. With Eddie writing the music and playing the autoharp as well. We had a blast working together and have remained good friends.
The film was shot on RED in 4K. The original film was delivered in HD. However these days 4K is a much wider used format. So I decided to re mater the film in 4K. Plus I am a much better colorist now then I was back then.
The film stars indie film veterans Justin Rice as Dirty Fred and Leo Fitzpatrick as Bruho. As we travel with these two they pick up some new folks to the cause. Brian Charles Johnson plays Jaidon. Later to be joined by Laura Campbell as Reyna.

Dirty Fred & Reyna share a win.

Bruho tells Jaidon what's up.

Jaiden and Bruho catch up with Dirty Fred.
Sometimes streaming on MUBI.